CLAMOROUS: The 'Pope' Francis had the Masonic symbol on his coat of arms replaced with another Masonic symbol

I want you to know that the shrewd 'Pope' Francis (he can only be shrewd since he is a Jesuit) has very recently changed the five-pointed star on his coat of arms - it is the Masonic pentagram or pentagram - with an eight-pointed star.

The coat of arms had five points, as can be clearly understood from all the press articles that came out in this regard after the press conference held by the papal prelate Federico Lombardi, director of the Vatican press office, on March 18, during which he announced to the whole world which was the papal coat of arms chosen by 'Pope' Francis, showing it (with the five-pointed star) and explaining it. Here are some of the words he spoke at that conference: 'Just before coming, we had the decision made by the Holy Father regarding the coat of arms and motto, which remain what they were when he was Archbishop of Buenos Aires'.

But now in place of the Masonic pentalpha there is an eight-pointed star!
However, I want you to know this too, that in substance little has changed, because he had an occult-Masonic symbol replaced with another occult-Masonic symbol, in fact even the eight-pointed star is an occult-Masonic symbol and I pass it on to you. demonstrate, bringing you a part of my book 'The Unmasked Freemasonry' where I speak precisely of this Masonic symbol.
'This eight-pointed star is an esoteric-occult symbol that is also used in Freemasonry, and for the Freemasons it represents Satan - whom they call Lucifer - who for them is the bearer of Light, also called Venus, in his aspect of the star of the morning which, in the morning, awakens the sleepers and incites a revolt against the dogmas of Christianity. This is a very ancient symbol, as in ancient Mesopotamia Venus was the third divinity of the Mesopotamian astral triad. Its symbol was the eight-pointed star, as its astronomical cycle is linked to an eight-year period. Even today this symbol is found in the card of The Star of the Tarot.

It is also used in Freemasonry, and in fact look at this photo with the eight-pointed star on the left in a Masonic temple and on the right on a Masonic seal.

But especially look at these two photos: the first shows the ceiling of a room inside the House of Temple in Washington DC (which is the headquarters of the Ancient Scottish Rite and Accepted Southern Jurisdiction of the USA), and the second a kind of door between two columns. Notice the eight-pointed star as it is highlighted, and that in the second photo it is under an Egyptian symbol and between two snakes.

And also look at these photos, which refer to the entrance to the Masonic temple of Doylestown Masonic Lodge No. 245 which is a very active lodge in Pennsylvania (USA).


Still from this Youtube video:

To confirm the esoteric-occult-Masonic meaning of this symbol, I now want to offer you this photo of the 'Casina delle Civette' located in the park of Villa Torlonia in Rome. Notice above where there are at least six of these symbols.

The presence of this symbol is explained by the fact that its owner - Giovanni Torlonia Junior (1873-1939) - who made it as it is today was a person given to esotericism (so much so that he was defined a mysterious and dark person) and his house was therefore strewn with esoteric symbols. In fact, here is what we read in an article by the journalist Flavia Capitani that appeared in Egolatina: 'At the beginning it was known as Capanna Svizzera, built by the architect Giuseppe Jappelli in 1840, and was conceived as a rustic chalet, due to the tuff structure that he made it raw, according to the wishes of the owner, Alessandro Torlonia. Son of Giovanni Torlonia, Alessandro undertook numerous transformations to give a less ordinary appearance to the structure, and in addition to the hut, he enriched the garden with serpentine pathsponds and exotic plants. But the current appearance, the one we see today, was created in 1908 by Alessandro's successor, Giovanni Torlonia Junior. Prince John, in addition to being a misanthrope, had a curious interest in esotericism, and this explains why in the internal and external decorations there are represented, in conspicuous numbers, the owls, from which the name of the Casina derives. The prince made this building his personal residence, further modifying it between 1916 and 1920 with the inclusion of loggias, arcades and architectural articulations, and decorative elements that make it lively and fairytale 'besides being a misanthrope, he had a curious interest in esotericism, and this explains why in the internal and external decorations there are represented, in conspicuous numbers, the owls, from which the name of the Casina derives. The prince made this building his personal residence, further modifying it between 1916 and 1920 with the inclusion of loggias, arcades and architectural articulations, and decorative elements that make it lively and fairytale 'besides being a misanthrope, he had a curious interest in esotericism, and this explains why in the internal and external decorations there are represented, in conspicuous numbers, the owls, from which the name of the Casina derives. The prince made this building his personal residence, further modifying it between 1916 and 1920 with the inclusion of loggias, arcades and architectural articulations, and decorative elements that make it lively and fairytale 'arcades and architectural articulations, and decorative elements that make it lively and fairytale 'arcades and architectural articulations, and decorative elements that make it lively and fairytale ' (
But this symbol also represents Chaos, in fact it is called the 'Symbol of chaos'. Look at what is said on Wikipedia:

The translation is: 'The Symbol of Chaos originates from Michael Moorcock's Eternal Champion stories. In them, the Symbol of Chaos includes eight arrows in a radial pattern. In contrast, the symbol of the Law is a single straight arrow. It is also called The Arms of Chaos, The Arrows of Chaos, the Star of Chaos or the Symbol of Eight '. A variant of this symbol - as can be read above - is the 'Chaosphere' which represents the magic of Chaos.

It is interesting what is said about Chaos magic practitioners on a magic site: 'Chaos magic practitioners tend to be out of all categories of person. For them worldviews, beliefs, opinions, habits and even different personalities are tools that can be arbitrarily chosen and changed in order to manipulate and understand the world they see and create around them. Chaos magicians are often described as fun, extreme, or very individualistic. They consider themselves exceptionally tolerant, underlining the fact that any opinion, even conflicting, can still be modified ' (
See also the cover of the book entitled Condensed Chaos: An Introduction to Chaos Magic which contains studies on occultism; and that of the book Psybermagick: Advanced Ideas in Chaos Magick written by Peter J. Carroll, a well-known occultist and practitioner of chaos magic '

This occult-Masonic symbol is also in the logo of the publisher of the Assemblies of God in Italy (ADI) present on many books, as can be seen in this photo.

This operation made by Jorge Bergoglio on his coat of arms therefore leads us to ask ourselves: why after just a few days, Francesco decided to change the five-pointed star with an eight-pointed star? Doesn't that seem very strange to you? I consider his decision not only sensational, but also very disturbing.


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