Freemasonry has infiltrated the Roman Catholic Church. It is also present in it at high levels. The Roman Catholic priest and theologian Luigi Villa (who died in November 2012) - a well-known 'hunter of Freemasons' dedicated to fighting Freemasonry present in the ecclesiastical hierarchies of the Roman Catholic Church - says that in the second half of 1963, during a meeting with Pio da Pietrelcina he heard himself say from the latter: «Courage, courage, courage! because the Church is already invaded by Freemasonry "and also:" Freemasonry has already reached the slippers of the Pope ". He has published numerous books and articles to demonstrate the presence of Freemasonry in the ecclesiastical hierarchies of the Roman Catholic Church.

According to the Villa, both John XXIII and Paul VI were affiliated with Freemasonry; and the cardinals and bishops who did the most to direct the Second Vatican Council in a 'modernist' sense were all Masons, of more or less high rank. Regarding John XXIII, according to what Villa writes in his book  John XXIII also blessed?  (Editrice Civiltà, Brescia 2000, p. 56), John XXIII was initiated into Freemasonry in Paris and participated in the workshops in Istanbul (in this regard a statement made by the GOI Grand Master Virgilio Gaito made to a journalist is cited). 

Regarding Paul VI, the Villa exhibited the proofs of Paul VI's Freemasonry in his books  Paul VI, blessed? , and  Paul VI, trial of a Pope ?, among which evidence is a bas-relief on the bronze door of St. Peter's Basilica, in Rome (later modified), in which the Masonic symbols appear on the back of his hand (the five-pointed star); while other Masonic symbols (the square and the compass, surmounted by a triangle) are clearly visible in the chapel of Montini's mother in Verolavecchia, in the province of Verona: a work designed by his own son. In addition, Paul VI received the head of P2, Licio Gelli, in the Vatican, in 1965, and under his pontificate Licio Gelli was granted the appointment as commander  Equitem Ordinis Sancti Silvestri Papae. And then - I add - if Gustavo Raffi, current Grand Master of the GOI, said that 'the best period of the Church, from the point of view of dialogue, was undoubtedly the Montinian period' (in  Fratelli d'Italia , p. 230), this will mean something. Don't you think so? And then the Head of the Great Logia Occidental Mexicana, the Grand Commander of the Supreme Council Carlos Vasquez Rangel, stated in 1992: "Angelo Roncalli and Giovanni Montini were initiated, on the same day, to the august mysteries of brotherhood, so it is not strange that many which were made in the Second Vatican Council, by John XXIII, are based on Masonic principles and postulates "(Luigi Villa,  Also John XXIII beato?, p. 56; quoted in Ferruccio Pinotti, Brothers of Italy , p. 638). But to learn more about the Masonic affiliation of John XXIII and Paul VI, read 'Freemasonry to conquer the Church'.

To understand the relationship between Freemasonry and the high levels of the Roman Catholic hierarchy,it is interesting what Giuliano Di Bernardo, former Grand Master of the GOI, says to the question of the journalist Ferruccio Pinotti 'are there really "contiguities" between Jesuits and Freemasonry? Concordances? ':' Concordances are always there, at the top. At some level they have always been there, secretly. When we talk about this secret thread, we are talking about a subtle, profound dialogue that exists between quality people. It is these convergences that avoid - in the event of a crisis or conflict - the greatest damage, irreparable situations. It is clear that, at the base of the pyramid, we find the priest and the Freemason who behave like Don Camillo and Peppone. But the vertices, as they are enlightened ones, always touch each other '(Ferruccio Pinotti,  Fratelli d'Italia, p. 23). In fact, I believe that things are the same also with regard to the leaders of many Protestant circles, which also 'always touch' with Freemasonry.

The Masonic octopus in the palace

In the book  Gone with the Wind in the Vatican  there is a chapter entitled 'Satan's smoke in the Vatican' which addresses the presence of Freemasonry in the Roman Catholic Church, of which I believe that some parts are noteworthy so I am writing them down.
'Among the most exclusive cultures, the Roman one is the most closed, where not even noble and aristocratic titles are sufficient to let you introduce it; even more exclusive is the ecclesiastical one. Yet Freemasonry in the latter enters easily from the back door and without a ticket, blending in perfectly. Freemasonry does not use to change the methodology it finds in the place where it operates. In the Vatican, the strenuous bulwark of the Catholic Church, it arms itself with diabolical patience and waits, waits for a long time until it manages to reach the best levers of power and command. Such a sect, which always infiltrates  'where history beats' according to Cesare Pavese, he knows that the Vatican has always remained a daring antenna that receives and transmits more advanced messages on everything; being able to transmit the epidemic to him in the spirit, consequently means destroying the immunological defenses in human reason. The watchword is: «To believe as little as possible, without being a heretic; to obey as little as possible, without being rebellious »(Giuseppe De Mestre).

The invisible hand of Freemasonry in the Vatican, at the center of occult powers between high finance and high levels, is not a rumor: it is felt everywhere, in the recruitment process, in the method of promotions, in the course of defamation or praise for this or that monsignor according to weight and measure. Thus, this center which by divine mandate must be a lighthouse, has long housed tumescences within its body which decompose it. For a disfigurement to the Last Judgment of the Sistine Chapel, the whole world would spring to its feet to condemn its profanation; but the Masonic infiltration in the Vatican is even more irreverent because it upsets the minds and the sacredness of the heart of Christianity. Contradictoriness and ambiguity of programmed realities confuse believers,powerless to restrain and tame fluid and evanescent facts and events in the environment.

The octopus in the Palace, never before on guard levels, is clothed with the gift of ubiquity above and below, inside and out. Its presence is felt opaque by the long tentacles, but not where it nestles. It makes use of emissaries on the spot, obscure mercenaries who do not disdain the misunderstanding of that organized crime, well introduced into the environment, made up of misery and nobility. When it has to strike, it is never a rash act. The mesh is so tight that those affected only feel their own helplessness and understand that reacting is more harmful to themselves than to the beast.
A court ruling in Italy has ruled that the party in dispute can challenge the judge who is registered with the Freemasons. In the Vatican this refusal will never be possible; no high dignitary will bear his membership in the Freemasonry written on his forehead.

Many magazines and magazines have written openly about the Masonic infiltration of the Vatican. For two centuries, from Clement XII (1730-40), who imposed the excommunication with the bull in 1738, until 1974, when the Jesuit Father Giovanni Caprile with a benevolent article in 'Civiltà Cattolica' (October 19, 1974) reassured the affiliated Catholics to Freemasonry not to worry: "If his faith as a Catholic does not find anything systematically hostile, organized in the Masonic group to which he belongs, against the Church and its doctrinal and moral principles, he [ the Catholic Mason, ed.] can remain in the association. He must no longer be considered as excommunicated and therefore, like any other faithful, he will be able to approach the sacraments and participate fully in the life of the Church. He does not need a special absolution from excommunication since this in his specific case no longer applies ».

In reality, such "full participation in the life of the Church" of a conspicuous number of Catholics and Masonic prelates had already occurred for many previous years. As soon as he became archbishop of Milan, Monsignor Montini elected the very Catholic Freemason Michele Sindona as his financial adviser. Then entrusting, as Pope, the fate of the Catholic finance of the IOR to the undisputed thieving and criminal competence of the Catholic Masons Michele Sindona and Roberto Calvi, who made use of the contribution of two other faithful Masons of the P2 Loggia, Licio Gelli and Umberto Ortolani.

In 1987 the Freemason journalist Pier Carpi, confirming the assumption of his 'brother' Fulberto Lauro according to which cardinals and bishops in disguise adhered to the P2 lodge, specified that "it is called 'Loggia Ecclesia' and is in direct contact with the grand master of the United Lodge of England, Duke Michael of Kent. This lodge has been operating in the Vatican since 1971. More than one hundred cardinals, bishops and monsignors of the curia belong to it. They manage to keep the most absolute secret, but not to the point of escaping the investigation of the men of the powerful 'Opus Dei'.

Finally, the Mexican Catholic magazine 'Processo' (n ° 832 of 12 October 1992), informed that Freemasonry has divided the Vatican territory into eight districts, where four Masonic lodges of the Scottish rite are in operation whose adepts, senior officials of the small State, being there independently they would not know each other, not even beating the three strokes with the tip of the thumb. If necessary, they make contact with other Masonic lodges of individual nations; indeed, where the Church operates in clandestinity because of the Koran, relations with the local Church pass secretly through this sectarian network, which thus renders a religious service in favor of their brothers stationed in the Vatican.

The nations of the Islamic bloc, although they maintain diplomatic relations with the Apostolic See, by virtue of the Koran persist in banning any form of Catholic worship and proselytism. The respective governments designate as ambassadors to the Vatican precisely those Mason brothers among the most zealous and active, to whom they give instructions on the different way to proceed with the hated ecclesiastics all in one piece, and with those others instead benevolent towards the Freemasonry, of which many manage to get the levers of power in the Vatican. In league with these, today we try to 'pilot' John Paul II, old and sick, who walks with difficulty (he raises his feet only a few centimeters from the ground) because of the disease suffers from frequent amnesia.

The press of every trend frequently and from various sources continues to make names and surnames of cardinals and high dignitaries in and around the Vatican, together with other prelates, such as affiliates to Freemasonry, and none of them give thought, except for some mild denial , to expose a complaint to the judiciary for a due or even necessary retraction, if not for personal integrity, at least for decency to the office and the credibility of the office that the suspects hold. Their silence does not support the axiom  "quod gratis asseritur, gratis negatur"  ("what is asserted gratuitously, gratuitously is denied"), because here, since in fact there is no one who denies, everything leads to believe that those who silent agrees. [....]

"So, Freemasonry is  certainly  at home in the Vatican,even if its recreational club is located elsewhere. Pope Albino Luciani realized this with a first blow to the heart when the journalist Paolo Panerai - on August 31, 1978, the day after his election - in the economic weekly 'Il Mondo' addressed the Pope point blank a ' heartfelt letter: 'Your Holiness, is it right for the Vatican to operate on the markets as a speculator? Is it right that the Vatican has a bank that intervenes in the illegal transfers of capital from Italy to other countries? Is it right that that bank helps the Italians to evade the tax authorities? ' That holy man of Pope had not yet recovered from the shocking question, which on 12 September following the intriguing weekly 'Op' directed by Mino Pecorelli, a freemason then murdered, entitled 'The Vatican Grand Loggia ', among other things published the list of 121 names of Vatican exponents and high prelates, indicated as affiliated to Freemasonry ... [...]

When the press informed public opinion of the existence of the powerful Masonic lodge 'Propaganda 2', better known as P2, chaired by the venerable master Licio Gelli, in league with Michele Sindona, Roberto Calvi and Umberto Ortolani, very Catholic Freemasons involved in their turn with the IOR in the collapse of the Banco Ambrosiano, mention was also made of the names of high prelates, listed in the aforementioned list of 121 names placed in alphabetical order with the relative dates of registration in the Masonic Order, registration number and name of the lodge, already for some year before in circulation '.

Having caused a sensation in the Vatican and outside, as many of those names were among the most prestigious dignitaries, another periodical of the Masonic area proceeded to publish a further list of ecclesiastics and laity, in which together with the names of the first list they were added others, in order to confuse the true members with the strangers to Freemasonry. The ones, the real affiliates, and the others, who had nothing to do with it, had a good game to demonstrate the strangeness and groundlessness of their alleged affiliation to the sect.

But the most informed Vaticanists knew that it was half a fake. In the Vatican for a long time and from many different parts, reports were received on the names and surnames of ecclesiastics, certainly affiliated and in close collaboration with the Freemasons. For convenience, the policy of silence was chosen on both sides.

The reader who wants to check the truth of the facts takes the names listed in that list and compares them with those contained in the index of the Pontifical Yearbooks of the 1990s; anyone in comparison will find that most of all those names have had a splendid ecclesiastical career. Much more than two thirds of those prelates, certainly not entirely deserving, if they have not died in the meantime, are now found at the top of the Roman curia: some cardinal, some awarded the episcopate in prestigious dioceses, some in command of some important dicastery, who lead clans with suckers glued to Michelangelo's bastions. And all this not by chance or due to an accident at work. [....]

In the event that some clergyman, not called, wants to make a career with the support of that coterie, the leaders just put him on trial to begin with, committing him to lectures to distinguished members in the Lions and Rotary clubs of the district cities, which they are cultural circles in which the seedbed is prepared from which to choose the affiliates to Freemasonry.
Regarding these circles, the Jesuit magazine 'La Civiltà Cattolica' demonstrated without doubt that these circles, being of Masonic derivation, maintain close ties with the sect. There was intense controversy over the veracity or otherwise of the assertion, until the grand master Giordano Gamberini, in the Masonic magazine 'Hiram' of February 1, 1981, officially claimed that both Rotary and Lions derive and converge in the organization of Freemasonry, writing: “Melvin Jones, Chicago Master Mason, was one of the founders of the Lions. He became general secretary and treasurer since 1917. In the Lions, the Masonic origin is also evident from the first coat of arms that the association gave itself. Rotary had almost identical relations with Freemasonry ».

Precisely for this reason, the following year 1982 as governor of the Rotary district of Sicily-Malta for the first time it was a Jesuit who was awarded the prestigious office, Father Federico Weber, without his superiors vetoing him. Even many cardinals, lavishly compensated, encouraged by their now deceased brother Cardinal Baggio, consider themselves highly honored by the invitation of the Rotaryan dignitaries to inaugurate their new offices or the social year, giving prestige with learned conferences and delicious lunches.
From: I Millenari,  Gone with the Wind in the Vatican , Kaos Edizioni, Milan 1999, p. 224-241. This book - according to a note from the publisher placed inside it - which harshly challenges the Vatican nomenklatura was 'written by some prelates of the Vatican curia' and therefore comes from inside the building of the Catholic Church in Rome.

Regarding the presence of prelates in Rotary, 'Omero Ranelletti, in his' Rotary and the Catholic Church', reports that, in 1981, John Paul II received the insignia of "Paul Harris Fellow" from the hands of the International President of the Rotary Club and that today among the Italian Rotarians there are 5 Cardinals, 10 Archbishops, 19 Bishops and many Prelates' (quoted in  Chiesa Viva , monthly training and culture, year XL - N ° 430, September 2010, p. 33)

I now propose here an interesting writing by the magistrate Carlo Alberto Agnoli entitled 'Freemasonry to conquer the Church' which dates back to 1996, published in Rome by EILES [1], which confirms the strong presence of Freemasonry in the Roman Catholic Church at high levels . It is true that many of the names of ecclesiastics mentioned are already dead, but this is related to the purposes of what we want to demonstrate because it is well known that even today in the ecclesiastical hierarchies there is Freemasonry.
This was recently confirmed by the master Mason Gioele Magaldi, who knows very well the Masonic reality in Italy, in an interview with Francesco Esposito, in fact when asked 'Are there also men of the Church?' he replied: 'Yes, even high and very high prelates. These are mostly people who were started a few decades ago and who are now very reserved and secluded with respect to their belonging. However, they are very keen to be considered convinced Masons. They are men with an open and complex spirituality, intolerant of any dogmatism and fideistic anguish. Therefore they live with discomfort the anti-conciliar, conservative and reactionary spirit advocated by the current Pope, Benedict XVI. ' (Full interview with the "Venerable" Gioele Magaldi, leader of "Grande Oriente Democratico", Francesco Esposito,on 3 August 2011, in

So here's what Carlo Alberto Agnoli says in his book  Freemasonry to conquer the Church

In these pages we do not intend to prove the truthfulness, name by name, of the famous list of Masonic prelates published on 12 September 1978 by the journalist Mino Pecorelli following many other lists that had already leaked to the press. In fact, how to exclude that Pecorelli, who was a piduist, or in any case very close to Licio Gelli, Venerable of the most famous and infamous Italian Masonic Lodge, could have entered names to confuse the waters or damage some opponent? Of course, as we shall see better, there is the significant confirmation of the Panorama list, dated August 10, 1976. But even this element in itself is not conclusive. Even characters strongly suspected of Masonic affiliation could in reality not be registered with the sect, but only ideally very close to its positions.Precisely for this reason we considered it appropriate not to reproduce the entire list that appeared in Osservatore Politico, considering that individual positions should be evaluated case by case. Instead, what we want to demonstrate is the general reliability of the Pecorellian list, a symptom of a penetration of Freemasonry into the highest ecclesiastical hierarchies so profound as to generate the doubt that that sect has practically taken over the helm of that Catholic Church which, in the secret of its Logge, for centuries he had sworn to destroy, and that he is piloting it towards the rocks of a disastrous shipwreck from which only the powerful hand of God can save it.Instead, what we want to demonstrate is the general reliability of the Pecorellian list, a symptom of a penetration of Freemasonry into the highest ecclesiastical hierarchies so profound as to generate the doubt that that sect has practically taken over the helm of that Catholic Church which, in the secret of its Logge, for centuries he had sworn to destroy, and that he is piloting it towards the rocks of a disastrous shipwreck from which only the powerful hand of God can save it.What we want to demonstrate instead is the general reliability of the Pecorellian list, a symptom of a penetration of Freemasonry into the highest ecclesiastical hierarchies so profound as to generate the doubt that that sect has practically taken possession of the helm of that Catholic Church which, in the secret of its Logge, for centuries he had sworn to destroy, and that he is piloting it towards the rocks of a disastrous shipwreck from which only the powerful hand of God can save it.for centuries he had sworn to destroy, and that he is piloting it towards the rocks of a disastrous shipwreck from which only the mighty hand of God can save it.for centuries he had sworn to destroy, and that he is piloting it towards the rocks of a disastrous shipwreck from which only the mighty hand of God can save it.

Chapter I - Mino Pecorelli and the "Vatican Grand Loggia": a revelation on Masonic penetration into the Church

On 12 September 1978, the magazine Osservatore Politico by the well-known journalist Mino Pecorelli (1928-1979) published an article entitled "The Vatican Grand Loggia" which caused considerable sensation. In this article, Pecorelli, given that both in the Masonic environment and in the traditionalist Catholic environment, there were insistent rumors about a massive infiltration of Freemasonry in the highest ecclesiastical offices and that the information agency Euroitalia on 17 and 25 August of that year he had circulated, complete with the number and date of enrollment in the sect, even the names of four "candidates" in view of the upcoming Conclave, he listed 113 names of ecclesiastics and eight of other influential personalities in the Catholic environment. All accompanied with date of accession, serial number and Masonic initials.The journalist did not specify how he had come into possession of those names, but it is known that he was a person very close to the "Venerable" Licio Gelli and the infamous Loggia P2. It should be noted that in the list in question the four cardinals mentioned by the Euroitalia agency were also indicated, with identical registration data and registration with the sect, and precisely the highly influential Sebastiano Baggio (1913-1993), Salvatore Pappalardo (1918 -2006), Ugo Poletti (1914-1997) and Jean Villot (1905-1979).Euroitalia agency, and precisely the highly influential Sebastiano Baggio (1913-1993), Salvatore Pappalardo (1918-2006), Ugo Poletti (1914-1997) and Jean Villot (1905-1979).Euroitalia agency, and precisely the highly influential Sebastiano Baggio (1913-1993), Salvatore Pappalardo (1918-2006), Ugo Poletti (1914-1997) and Jean Villot (1905-1979).

The authenticity of this list - if truthful, shocking because it would prove that already at least since 1978 (indeed, as we will see later, since 1976), Freemasonry, which has always been condemned and execrated as the sect of the Antichrist, had acquired a much more immense power as occult and uncontrollable on the entire Catholic Church - it has been the subject of controversy. Given the exceptional importance of the theme that casts long shadows of suspicion on the conciliar ecclesiastical hierarchy and even on its teaching, we believe it is very useful to take stock of the question on the basis of the elements in our possession, many of which occurred in Pecorelli's article. Before, however, moving on to the discussion of the topic, and so that the reader can realize the difficulties in which,apart from certain indispensable facade characters, anyone who wants to ascertain the belonging of one or more people to that sect comes across, we believe it necessary to briefly illustrate the question of the free-masonry secret.

Chapter II - An indispensable premise: the Masonic secret

Whatever its public supporters claim, Freemasonry has always been and remains a Secret Society operating without everyone's knowledge, through well-known personalities, and often also well-known, but whose belonging to it remains surrounded by the most rigorous mystery. They meet in highly confidential conciliaboli that unite them beyond the apparent divergences and even clamorous contrasts that appear to the "profane world", to implement common plans and programs that must remain unknown to the public. This has recently been demonstrated by the notorious story of the P2 Lodge in which men of the most diverse and apparently contradictory political and ideological labels converged. Nor can it be said, please, that P2 was an "atypical" and "deviant" lodge. It is the same undisputed official historian of Freemasonry,Professor Aldo Mola, to affirm in an interview with Il Sabato, of September 26, 1992 - as the columnist summarizes - that the P2 "was not a deviated Lodge, but it had to be sacrificed so that it was not discovered that true Freemasonry was covered ". This, however, became clear to everyone following the investigations by judge Agostino Cordova which revealed a swarm of "deviated" lodges in league with the mafia, camorra and n'drangheta and immersed up to their necks in the "market" of contracts rigged and bribes. These revelations were so clamorous and numerous that - it is recent news - on 17 April 1993 Professor Giuliano Di Bernardo, until shortly before the Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Italy, founded a new Masonic "obedience", called the "Regular Grand Lodge. d 'Italy "to distance himself - rather belatedly indeed - from an organization now widely discredited. To demonstrate the gravity, importance and essentiality of the Masonic secret, we report here from The complete book of Masonic rituals, published in 1946 by Salvatore Farina (33rd and highest degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite) part of the formula of the oath of 'Freemason apprentice, that is to say of the one who is admitted to the first degree of initiatory "light"; sworn in front of the "brothers", who assist you standing and with swords in hand to assert its gravity and importance, as well as the dangers incurred by the unwary popularizer: "" I NN freely and spontaneously, with full and deep conviction of the soul, with absolute and unshakable will,in the presence of the Great Architect of the Universe: I promise and swear I will never reveal the secrets of Free Freemasonry; not to let anyone know what will be revealed to me, under pain of having cut my throat, torn my heart and tongue, torn bowels, made my corpse body in pieces, then burned and reduced to dust, this one scattered in the wind for hated memory and eternal infamy; I promise and swear to lend help and assistance to all the Freemasons brothers scattered on the surface of the earth ».then burnt and reduced to dust, this one scattered to the wind for hated memory and eternal infamy; I promise and swear to lend help and assistance to all the Freemasons brothers scattered on the surface of the earth ».then burnt and reduced to dust, this one scattered to the wind for hated memory and eternal infamy; I promise and swear to lend help and assistance to all the Freemasons brothers scattered on the surface of the earth ».

Another significant formula of Masonic oath analogous, but not the same, is reported in Il Sabato, of 30 June 1990 by Giano Accame (1928-2009) who draws it from the Emulation Ritual, «a very widespread ritual from the eighteenth century in the English Lodges »Introduced in Italy in 1976, being Grand Master Livio Salvini, published by the Edizioni Soc. Erasmo del Grand'Oriente of Italy. Here is the text: "In order to prevent our secret arts and our hidden mysteries from being improperly known due to my imprudence, I solemnly swear to observe these various points without making any pretexts, misunderstandings or mental reservations of any kind, punishment, violating even just one of them, to have my gt of L, my 1. sdsr and ss 1. rdma 1. dbm or to the dd - ugdr where if and rdmardvo 24 o. ". And here you are, according to the explanation provided by the aforementioned prof. Aldo Mola, in a public lecture, the meaning of the initials:. «Gt di t. means throat cut out of the round, 1. sdsr tongue torn from its root, ss 1. rdm burial under the seashore, a. 1. dbm at low tide level, dd - ugdr distance of a hawser from the shore, where if and rdmardvo 24 o. the ebb and flow of the tide comes regularly twice every 24 hours ”. In that article entitled "Calvi horror show", Accame observes how the death of the Italian banker Roberto Calvi (1920-1982) under the bridge of the "Black Friars" in London is a singular reminder of this ritual.«In fact - he comments - if someone is strangled by hanging, his throat will be broken apart while the tongue comes out of its natural seat. The banker's corpse was found at a cable's distance from the shore, where the outflow of the Thames meets the flow of the tides every day. And if there is no burial in the sand, there is still the coincidence that the height of the place where Calvi's body was found corresponds exactly to the level where the sand would have been if there were no artificially constructed embankments. There is enough to at least authorize the assumption that behind Calvi's suicide,Catholic banker but also Freemason of the P2 Lodge (since even at the ecclesiastical level there are connections with Freemasonry) a Masonic ritual murder is in reality hidden. A hypothesis that has circulation in the same Masonic circles. On the contrary, I have reason to believe that Freemasonry itself does not mind that it is believed, as a demonstration of its dark power ».

Still on the subject of the Masonic secret, in an undated pamphlet published in Rome in the second half of the 1950s, entitled The essence of the Masonic secret, quoted in Freemasons and Freemasonry by Father Giovanni Caprile sj [2], we read these significant words: «Freemasonry is all a secret for the profane world. Secret of men, secret of ideas, secret of things and facts ... (The enemies) have reason to fear the practice of the secret, because it is a subtle and powerful weapon in the hands of wisdom and goodness. They are constantly tormented by the thought of this elusive army,  whose soldiers it is not known who they are, how many they are, where they are, what they do, or what means they have. [...]. Their preconceived hostility is disorienting, ignorance of what things bring the seal of our will into the hidden folds of the influence of our spirit "[3]. Again: from the book Geheimbünde in Tirol ("Secret Society in Tyrol"), by Helmut Reinalter [4], we learn that in the Masonic Lodge founded in Innsbruck in the autumn of 1799, mainly among Italian students, one of the fundamental themes of discussion at he act of the constitution was to establish "when a member deserved the death penalty for having revealed the secret" [5]. On that occasion one of the founding "Brothers", a certain Giannini, composed a regulation in verse which read: «Whoever reveals the extinct secret should fall, Do it out of mischief or folly; That the utility reads only the damage "[6].

At the conclusion of this argument we recall that the "secret of the Institution", as reported by the Masonic Dictionary of Luigi Trofei [7], is one of the Landmarks, that is, of those "immutable and unchanged foundations that make the Masonic Institution what it is , and without which it would be something completely different ». The importance of this Landmark is such that the Freemason "Brother" is continually called to its observance by the same Masonic sign of greeting. In fact, in a Vademecum of the Freelancer Apprentice, published by Saggissimo della Valle del Tevere in 1948 and reissued this year in anastatic reprint by Edizioni Brenner, we read these words:
- «Position to the Order: To stand up to the Order one puts the right hand under the throat, with the four fingers clenched and the thumb open in the form of a square, and the left arm hanging along the body;
- Greeting sign: According to the order, the right arm and hand are extended horizontally towards the right shoulder, and then dropped along the right side of the body, thus forming the figure of a team. This sign, called guttural, means that the Freemason  would prefer to have his throat cut rather than fail his oath and reveal the Masonic secrets "[8].

The cut of the throat, definitely, in Freemasonry is a real obsession! This long premise serves to say that it would be completely out of place, not to say ridiculous, to claim to ascertain and verify the membership of a person in Freemasonry in the same way as verifying the data of Tizio or Caio at the registry office. «A discovered Freemason is no longer needed ... A well-known Freemason is often of little use to the idea he professes», said the Grand Master Adjunct of Italian Freemasonry G. Francocci [9]. It is therefore evident that Freemasonry, whose system of power and domination is given, notoriously, by infiltration into political, administrative, cultural, economic organizations and the Church itself, has every interest in keeping the names of its followers hidden. ,and that this interest is all the greater the more alien to the sect is the infiltrated organism. How, then, to ascertain whether a person belongs to Freemasonry? In this regard, it should be borne in mind that this is a very large Secret Society: its members in Italy amount to a few tens of thousands, while in England we are in the hundreds of thousands, and in the USA even in that of, albeit few, millions. In such an extensive and numerous structure (there are Masonic Lodges all over the world), despite the tremendous threats aimed at those who violate the secret, but which can only be implemented in extreme cases in order not to alarm civil society excessively, escapes of news. Consider, for example, that it is not at all rare the case of Freemasons who, repentant,they convert to Catholicism and, openly or through an intermediary, reveal the secrets they have come to know. Within Freemasonry there are also serious and bitter conflicts between various "obediences" - it is enough to mention, for Italy, the well-known one between the Freemasonry called "of Palazzo Giustiniani" and that called "of Piazza del Gesù" - and even between Lodges. We cannot discuss the nature and limits of those disagreements here, but even the revelation of the names of the opposing party can enter into the framework of such disputes. There are also cases in which, regardless of any infringement of the obligation of secrecy, sectarian authorities disseminate single names or entire lists to demonstrate, for example, the cultural or social importance of their institution, or its unsuspectedness. It was, for example,in this order of ideas that in an interview that appeared in La Stampa, of 23 March 1990, the then Grand Master Di Bernardo mentioned the Masonic affiliation of the US President George Bush. Other lists or names may be disseminated by "free beaters" who use the secrets learned in the Lodge for the purpose of blackmail or spite or revenge, or for other personal purposes. Nor can it be excluded that at a certain moment and for particular reasons the power stations of latomistic power decide to sacrifice an entire lodge or part of it, just as a chess player does not hesitate to sacrifice a pawn or a bishop, in order to reach certain goals. It is likely that this was also the case with Lodge P2. Indeed,the well-known piduist writer Pier Carpi (1940-2000) in his biography of Licio Gelli [10], defines that of P2 «a calculated and targeted scandal prepared in his table strategy». Certainly, however, it is that Freemasonry makes unscrupulous use of these uncertainties also in the reconstruction of the historical events that saw it as protagonist. Thus, for example, while on the one hand it claims the French Revolution as its own creation, on the other, through other authors, it repudiates it, always maintaining that atmosphere of equivocation and bivalence which constitutes one of the characteristic aspects of the Masonic secret. Recently, the aforementioned official historian of the sect, Aldo Mola, in his book History of Freemasonry from its origins to our days [11], referring to the "studies" of a contemporary author, certainly Charles Porset,he denies that numerous protagonists or precursors of the 1989 Revolution were Freemasons, and in particular Siéyès, Condorcet, D'Alembert, Diderot and Robespierre.

In this way, however, he contradicts what has always been asserted by other authoritative sectarian historians who undoubtedly had access to the archives of the Lodges, inaccessible to the "profane". The fact is that Mola's latest book was written at a juncture in which, with the events of P2 and "tangentopoli", it was necessary to reassure the public alarmed by the emergence of the dark power of the Lodges, involved in the most shady trades and in dark political intrigues, and to present Freemasonry as an inoffensive association of unrealistic people with no real impact on the life and governments of nations.

Chapter III - The lists of Panorama and OP: their probative value

We have thus framed the problem of the Masonic secret and the difficulties encountered by anyone who wants to identify, even on the level of pure historical investigation, which events bear the seal of Freemasonry and who were the men that that institution used, beyond the names of the few dignitaries who must expose themselves publicly in order to be able to argue in front of the public that Freemasonry is not a Secret Society and of those of the rare followers who prefer to publicly manifest their affiliation. At this point we can finally move on to discuss the question of the reliability that must be attributed to the list of Osservatore Politico of 12 September 1978 and to the previous one, which appeared in Panorama of 10 August 1976.They appear to be the main lists of prelates who are certainly adherents to Freemasonry that have been published since that institution was founded in 1717 [12]. It should be noted that the names appearing in the two lists are almost the same: the difference is that OP omits two names reported by Panorama, and adds eight others that do not appear in the latter magazine.

What value can we attribute to these lists? First of all it must be said that it would be seriously wrong to dismiss them as undoubtedly unreliable, as the Panorama journalist hastily did with reference to the one he himself published. In fact, he specified that those names "have been circulating (going) no for some months" in the Vatican. It is reasonable, therefore, to infer that in such a qualified environment they found, at least, some credit. So much so did they find that [13] some Cardinals "asked (sero) with insistence that there is (cease) clarity" and that Paul VI (1897-1978), through the then Bishop, then Cardinal, Monsignor Benelli, since 1975, discreetly and confidentially entrusted the investigations to none other than the Commander General of the Carabinieri General Enrico Mino,with particular regard to the person of Bishop Annibale Bugnini (1912-1982), author of the controversial and revolutionary liturgical reform. The 30 Days journalist reports that, on the basis of the elements acquired by him, that senior officer expressed his belief that the list was true [14].

New and more in-depth investigations on the Panorama list were requested of the same general towards the middle of 1977 by the authoritative Cardinal Archbishop of Genoa Giuseppe Siri (1906-1989), evidently dissatisfied because he saw people with strong odors remain in their command posts in the Church of Freemasonry. But General Mino on 31 October of that year crashed with his helicopter, in Calabria on Mount Covello, finding his death in circumstances that 30 Days of 11 November 1992, indicates as highly suspicious [15] "thus bringing to the grave - he comments always that magazine - the results of the second survey ». "We still have to explain - continues our journalist - of the mysterious phone calls, of which there are wiretaps,during which (Licio Gelli) Venerable puppeteer (of Loggia P2) spoke of the succession to General Mino even before he died in the tragic plane crash ». Why did that list find so much credit in the Vatican? It is evident that it had to be presented with some substantial semblance of truthfulness. It is therefore likely the story, reported by the 30 Days journalist, that it was compiled on the basis of photocopied documents at the headquarters of the Grand Orient of Italy by a young employee - nephew of a friar - who, in the presence of his uncle, he handed everything over to Mons. Giovanni Benelli (1921-1982), then Substitute of the Secretariat of State, who made them both swear "that they were not lying on such a serious subject" [16].Why did that list find so much credit in the Vatican? It is evident that it had to be presented with some substantial semblance of truthfulness. It is therefore likely the story, reported by the 30 Days journalist, that it was compiled on the basis of photocopied documents at the headquarters of the Grand Orient of Italy by a young employee - nephew of a friar - who, in the presence of his uncle, he handed everything over to Mons. Giovanni Benelli (1921-1982), then Substitute of the Secretariat of State, who made them both swear "that they were not lying on such a serious subject" [16].Why did that list find so much credit in the Vatican? It is evident that it had to be presented with some substantial semblance of truthfulness. It is therefore likely the story, reported by the 30 Days journalist, that it was compiled on the basis of photocopied documents at the headquarters of the Grand Orient of Italy by a young employee - nephew of a friar - who, in the presence of his uncle, he handed everything over to Mons. Giovanni Benelli (1921-1982), then Substitute of the Secretariat of State, who made them both swear "that they were not lying on such a serious subject" [16].in the presence of his uncle, he handed everything over to Mons. Giovanni Benelli (1921-1982), then Substitute of the Secretariat of State, who made them both swear "that they were not lying on such a serious matter" [16].in the presence of his uncle, he handed everything over to Mons. Giovanni Benelli (1921-1982), then Substitute of the Secretariat of State, who made them both swear "that they were not lying on such a serious matter" [16].

It is certain that a packet of photocopies of those documents, probably of the second generation, was in the possession of Cardinal Dino Staffa (1906-1977). Also 30 Days, of 6 June 1992, reproduces three. But after the list of Panorama comes that of Pecorelli's Political Observator, who adds, as we have seen, other names. Mino Pecorelli, as is clear from the documents of the parliamentary commission of inquiry into that infamous Loggia, is a member of P2: his words are those of someone who is familiar with secret things. In the introduction to the list, terribly accompanied, unlike that of Panorama, by the date and numbers of the registration cards, which gives it a highly reliable tone, he says, in summary, that he has come into possession of the list on the previous 28 August.He then invites the newly elected Albino Luciani (1912-1978) to a rigorous control and concludes with these words: «By publishing this list of ecclesiastics perhaps affiliated with Freemasonry, we believe we are offering a small contribution (to clarity in the Catholic Church). Either a shower of denials or, in silence, a purge"[17]. There was no "rain" and there was no purge. Also because in a few days John Paul I - "who had expressed his intention to address the question of the IOR and to clarify the list of presumed prelates enrolled in Freemasonry", which he evidently did not underestimate [18] - he died in the circumstances known to all, while Mino Pecorelli was shot dead a few months later, and precisely on March 20, 1979. Why was Pecorelli killed? Apparently not for this list, or at least not just for this list. But he was a person, as has been said, who knew many secrets, and it was not easy to deny it. Let's think a bit: Pecorelli publishes his list; the Vatican is already in turmoil over elements already in the possession of some authoritative Cardinals,and disturbing rumors run throughout the peninsula.

What more opportune occasion for all those listed to link up, denying with great publicity an accusation that is all the more unworthy as it is accompanied by data which, if false, could only be the result of an ignoble invention, asking themselves a clarifying investigation, to starting from the graphological analysis of the acronyms at the bottom of the documents that supported the accusation? It must be recognized that this lack of denials and this silence, also underlined by the Messaggero, of May 29, 1981 (page 3) are extremely eloquent in themselves and have an indicative value of great importance. But this is still little. First of all, in fact, it must be said that even before their publication the future lists of Panorama and OP had found significant confirmation. We have already seen, in fact, that thethe main object of the investigation should have been Monsignor Bugnini, particularly unwelcome to the traditionalist prelates for having prepared that famous liturgical reform that upset the millennial rite of the Holy Mass in an unprecedented way.

Well, in July 1975 that prelate was eliminated from the Roman Curia and in September sent as Nuncio to Iran, and it is he himself, in his book entitled The Liturgical Reform, to recognize that his removal was due to the evidence of belonging to the sect collected in his load [19]. Naturally Bugnini in his book claimed it was a "perfidious slander". However, we must believe that it was very robust evidence if Paul VI, who had collaborated closely with him in the liturgical reform, working alongside him for hours and hours [20] and whose attitude towards Freemasonry was - as we shall see better later - highly favorable, he decided to take such a step. Even more, however, the pecorellian list was confirmed three years later, when the case of Loggia P2 clamorously broke out.

In fact, on that occasion not only did the very close collaboration with Freemasonry of a very important person come to light - Bishop Paul Casimir Marcinkus (1922-2006), president of the IOR, listed on the list, but the traumatic certainty that the Vatican was widely involved in the obscure affair, starting with the liquidation of the assets of the Holy See in Italy conferred on the piduist financier Michele Sindona (1920-1986) by Cardinal Sergio Guerri (1905-1992) on the advice of Paul VI himself [21 ]. In fact, as everyone remembers, a sturdy square was made around Marcinkus starting from the top of the Vatican hierarchy, and that prelate remained calm in his place for many years to come. And this despite the fact that, according to Nick Tosches, one of the most famous journalists in the USA,in an interview book that is rightly considered "the posthumous memorial of Michele Sindona", John Paul II (1920-2005), in order to pay the two hundred and fifty million dollars that the IOR paid for that matter to the Italian State, felt he had to to even resort to calling for an extraordinary Holy Year, that of 1983 [22]. It is superfluous to recall the discredit that that dark affair threw on the ecclesiastical hierarchy of the time and, through it, on the entire Church. The beauty is that, although many years have passed since its publication, Pecorelli's list maintains its relevance and continues to shed light on new facts of judicial news. We allude here, in particular, to the most sensational and hateful of the scandals that have swept away the government of the parties,that of the Ministry of Health, defined by Panorama of November 14, 1993 a scam that in twenty years has cost the Italian taxpayer at least 40,000 billion old lire. Well, in this story the name of Mons. Fiorenzo Angelini emerges, who appears on the list of OPs as he entered the Lodge as far back as October 14, 1957 [23]. Of this prelate, appointed Cardinal in the penultimate Consistory by John Paul II, and who since 1985 holds the office of president of the Pontifical Pastoral Council of Healthcare Workers, created precisely in that year by John Paul II himself, the close contacts with the infamous Duilio Poggiolini, Director General of the National Pharmaceutical Service. We do not want to dwell here on the facts that earned that Monsignor the nickname of "His Health",but only to point out that, coincidentally, Poggiolini is, like Calvi and Sindona, a member of the P2 Lodge.

In this regard, in fact, the journalist Laura Maragnani, in Panorama of November 14, 1993, given that the Masonic militancy of Poggiolini is so well known that in the pharmaceutical environment he is jokingly called "Loggiolini", referring to that character, thus writes: "Of course is a chat. Everyone knows that he is protected by Cardinal Fiorenzo Angelini. And everyone knows that he is a Freemason, indeed, a piduist, code E 18.91, card 2247. Equally well known is the fact that he had excellent relations with the pharmaceutical industries led by Freemasons ». These close relations between a Cardinal and a well-known exponent of a sect which, up to the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, were the most anathematized in hundreds of pontifical documents throughout the two thousand year history of the Church cannot fail to the mouth of one of its highest exponents, the Grand Master of the Grand Orient of France, Jacques Mitterrand, namesake of the former President of the French Republic, still defines himself today as "the counter-church" [24]. Another of the most sensational episodes of tangentopoli is that of the ninety-two billion in government bonds paid by Montedison to the parties. Those securities have been laundered by the IOR - which thus makes its reappearance on the scene of the great scandals - with complex banking maneuvers abroad, however, collecting an enormous commission of several billions [25]. This commission, for its disproportionate amount, constitutes proof of the fact that the Vatican officials were perfectly aware of the illicit origin of that money. Well, who managed the operation? For the Enimont Luigi Bisignani,who is a well-known member of P2 [26], while for the Vatican there is talk of Mons. Donato De Bonis (1930-2001), who also - disconcerting coincidence - appears in the pecorellian list as enrolled in Freemasonry on 24 June 1968 [ 27]. He was "the key man of the IOR who has the task of keeping the relations between the commission of the five cardinals who manage the Vatican finances and the lay body that presides over the institute" [28].lay body that presides over the institute "[28].lay body that presides over the institute "[28].

Chapter IV - Other proofs of truthfulness

Cardinal Agostino Casaroli, who held the position of Secretary of State for several years, and that is the most prestigious in the Church, after that of the Pope, is certainly one of the most highly placed personalities indicated in the OP's list. Freemasonry of this prelate, in addition to a very serious test which we will discuss later, there is a significant clue provided by the Pauline Father Rosario Esposito. The latter, in a book bearing the programmatic title The Great Concordances between Church and Freemasonry, published in 1987 at the Masonic publishing house Nardini in Florence, reports that Casaroli, on 20 October 1985, on the occasion of the celebrations of the fortieth anniversary of UN, held, in the church of St. Patrick, in New York, "a wide-ranging homily" whose contents,on which there is no place to dwell here, "they attest that the concordances between the Church and Freemasonry can be considered in fact acquired" [29]. In his report on that sermon, Father Esposito points out that in the course of it the Cardinal used almost twice the same words that open and designate the Bull In eminenti apostolatus speculates with which Pope Clement XII (1652- 1740) had struck the first excommunication against Freemasonry, but in an inverse context and value, as if to re-communicate what had been excommunicated [30]. The person of Cardinal Casaroli then brings to mind another list of prelates indicated as belonging to Freemasonry: the one that appeared in the July 1976 issue of the French magazine Introibo. This Catholic magazineand therefore of a completely different matrix from that of the Pecorelli newspaper, it reported, over a year earlier, together with that of our cardinal, the names of numerous other ecclesiastics who would later appear in the lists of Panorama and OP. With this difference, however: that it bears the dates of affiliation, but not the membership numbers while, as we have seen, Panorama does not reproduce either, and OP, the most complete, publishes both. There are also some differences in the dates of affiliation between the Introibo and Pecorelli lists. It seems logical to deduce that the second does not derive from the first and that its greater specificity and completeness is explained by the fact that Pecorelli was a man of the lodge and, as such, deeper into the secrets of the sect. But if things are in these terms it must be deduced that theIntroibo's list should be considered as a further confirmation of the two already mentioned. And then it cannot fail to strike the recurrence of the same names, including, in addition to that of Casaroli, indicated with the same date of registration on the list of OPs, also those of Cardinal Leo Jozef Suenens (1904-1996), Cardinal Baggio, of Cardinal Michele Pellegrino (1903-1986), of Mons. Bugnini, of Mons. Angelini, of the Bishop of Trento, Mons. Alessandro Maria Gottardi (1912-2001), and so on. Among the prominent names indicated by Pecorelli there is also that of the famous Piarist Father Ernesto Balducci, who died in a road accident on April 26, 1992, on the occasion of whose death the Osservatore Romano expressed deep emotion and pain. Well, a superficial knowledge ofwork of this friar to realize that we are dealing with a man deeply permeated by the teachings of the Lodge. We will limit ourselves to gleaning some quotations from his book The Planetary Man [31]: "Whoever still professes himself an atheist, or Marxist, or layman, and needs a Christian to complete the series of representations on the stage of culture, do not circles. I am but a man "[32]. Further on, commenting on the "ecumenical" meeting in Assisi on 27 October 1986, he expresses himself as follows: «We are thus at a reckoning. And in this reckoning, religions are forced to reveal themselves for what they are: symbolic productions of human groups, ideological systems in a sacred guise [...]. Timor fecit deos "[33]. Shortly before, in fact, he had written: "In the general eclipse of identities,our first duty is to remain faithful to what we have built [34], with a variant, however, which must be considered not as the whole but as a fragment of the whole, of a whole still hidden in the future [...]. Like the true God, so too the true man is absconditus "[35].

The Deus absconditus, the god of the future who has yet to reveal himself and who will be born from the fusion and death of all existing religions! It is, on equal terms, the teaching of the 32nd Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. We conclude our excursus on Father Balducci with this shocking crude quote: «The age of the chosen peoples is over. the age of saviors is also over. How true today does the phrase that Nietzsche addressed to the Christians of his time: "Who will save you from your Savior" »? [36]. At this point it is appropriate to recall briefly who is that Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) to whose authority Father Balducci refers to repudiate Jesus and his message. Author, among other things, of a book whose title, The Antichrist, is already a whole program,that philosopher advocates a "Superman" "freed" from every precept and hesitation of a moral order, and contrasts Dionysus, god of joy, with the Nazarene, preacher of a gloomy "slave morality" [37]. His thought, including the myth of the eternal return, is all permeated with those Gnostic doctrines which, according to the most authoritative Masonic treatises (Albert Pike, René Guénon, etc ...) constitute the core of Freemasonry, and which evidently Balducci largely shares. Another of the most prominent figures on the OP's list is certainly Cardinal Leo Suenens, Primate of Belgium. Well, on September 24, 1970, this prelate, unprecedented in the annals of the Belgian Church, gave an important conference in a Masonic meeting organized by the high Jewish Freemasonry of B'nai B'rith [38].This fact reveals, at the very least, a surprising closeness to that Freemasonry that the pre-conciliar Church anathematized as its main, bitter enemy. The clue, already very serious in itself, is all the more significant since Msgr. Suenens is a highly authoritative exponent of Pax Christi, an organization in which the political-social commitment overwhelms the strictly religious one until it disappears. This is evident to the most inexperienced from the reading of his manifesto on disarmament of May 1982, where God, Jesus, the Virgin and the Saints are not even named and the whole discussion is centered, in essence, on the perspective of that World Government or Universal Republic. which Freemasonry aspires to since its beginnings, as can be seen from Anderson's Constitutions of 1723fundamental text of the free-masonry sect [39]. A further very serious confirmation of the Pecorelli list comes from an interview that appeared in the weekly Oggi, dated 17 June 1981, under the title "Salvini confided in me names of unsuspected ones". In this interview, the lawyer Ermenegildo Benedetti of Massa Carrara, formerly the Great Orator of the Grand Orient of Italy, and therefore, as he himself puts it, number two of Italian Freemasonry, then expelled for having entered on a collision course with Licio Gelli and with the Grand Masters who supported him, after having indicated Gianni Agnelli (1921-2003), and Count Agusta, as well as Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia, among the almost certain piduists, as well as Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia, coming to the ecclesiastical world made a declaration that seems important to us to report in full."In Freemasonry - he said - history is full of Cardinals and priests: it was said of Monsignor Bettazzi, Monsignor Casaroli, Cardinal Paletti, Father Caprile, director of" Civiltà Cattolica "and Cardinal Marcinkus, the man of Vatican finances, the so-called "banker of God". We started talking about these people from 1970 onwards. Let me be clear, it was not talk in the corridor, it was confidential information that we at the top of Italian Freemasonry exchanged ”. Apart from two inaccuracies, irrelevant for our purposes and those of Benedetti [40], what do we get from this declaration that came out of the mouth of an expelled and a disappointed person who no longer has an interest in lying and confusing things and who has not had, apparently, no relationship with the indicated ecclesiastics,so is it absurd to hypothesize his defamatory intent?
 - that the names he uttered are all found in the Pecorelli list;
- that it was not a question of "rumors", albeit authoritative, but of "confidential information" current among the top leaders of Italian Freemasonry.

We do not know, then, that none of the prelates called into question intervened to sue the high Masonic dignitary despite the widespread circulation of the news, published in a national weekly with a large circulation. The words of the former Great Orator offer us the starting point for yet another confirmation regarding the reliability of the Pecorelli list: among the ecclesiastics mentioned by the lawyer Benedetti, the famous Jesuit Father Giovanni Caprile is in fact. This man, who had also been the champion of Italian anti-Masonism for many years, after the Second Vatican Council made a 180 ° turn. This turning point was so radical that it induced him to join with Don Vincenzo Miano, Father Rosario Esposito, Don Franco Molinari, professor at the Cattolica in Milan, and other lesser-known priests,of a group in charge of the Church-Freemasonry dialogue, which held contacts and public meetings with the highest Italian dignitaries of that sect [41]. Not only that: Caprile went so far as to write, in collaboration with another Spanish Jesuit, Father José Antonio Ferrer Benimeli, a book entitled Freemasonry and the Catholic Church yesterday, today and tomorrow [42], in which, albeit quoting another brother of their , Father Michel Riquet (1898-1993), the hope was that between the Church and Freemasonry, from an initial "ecumenism of hearts" to an "ecumenism of intelligences and doctrines" [43], that is to say, nothing less than the fusion, even on the level of beliefs, between Christianity and Freemasonry, between Church and "Anti-Church"! A'umpteenth verification of Pecorelli's and Panorama's lists that we propose to the reader is that relating to the servant Father Davide Maria Turoldo, who died on February 6, 1992, exalted by his admirers as "prophet" and "poet" of the new times. Well, it is a game to recognize that he too was a Catholic and a very sui generis friar: a staunch supporter of divorce at the time of the referendum promoted by Catholics against that institution, in 1971, in the sanctuary of Tirano, he broke a rosary and he hurled it among the faithful shouting: "Enough with these superstitions from the Middle Ages"! It will be admitted that on the part of a "servant of Mary" it is a rather disconcerting gesture. But of no different kind was his "devotion" to Jesus Christ: in the issue of Panorama, of 26 May 1988, in fact, writing about theexhibition of crucifixes in public places, he argued: «Whether or not there is hanging on the walls, nothing changes. The crucifix is ​​no longer worth anything in today's world; he says nothing more to this company [...]. Today the Crucifix in itself no longer represents anything [...]. For me, the Crucifix is ​​Oscar Romero killed, it is poor Luther King killed, it is the blacks of South Africa, it is Mandela in jail [...]. Those are the real crucifixes »! We ask ourselves: is there really much to be surprised to find a friar of this kind in one or more Masonic lists? We really don't think so! The last, but certainly not in order of importance, of the characters on the list whose positions we examine is Cardinal Jean Villot, for many years Secretary of State of Paul VI, and then until the death, on March 9, 1979, of John Paul II.

This cardinal, having seen his name published in the French monthly Lectures Françaises in a list of ecclesiastics certainly enrolled in Freemasonry, whose names then appeared all in Pecorelli's article, except for that of Cardinal Achille Liénart (1884-1973), wrote to the editor of the magazine a letter of the following content: Cardinal Jean Villot, Secretary of State, distinctly greets the Director of Lectures Françaises. Having recently learned that the magazine, in its issue of September 1976, had mentioned his presenting name as Freemason  Cardinal Villot declares in the most formal way that has never been in any moment of his life the slightest relationship with Freemasonry  or with any other secret society. It fully adheres to the condemnations inflicted by the Supreme Pontiffs . Cardinal Villot asks the Director of Lectures Françaises to send him a copy of the number that will publish this denial, and thanks him in advance. Vatican, 31 October 1976. Jean Cardinal Villot [44].
After his death, however, a book entitled Vie et perspectives de la franc-maçonnerie traditionnelle ("Life and prospects of Traditional Freemasonry") by Jean Tourniac, Grand Speaker of the Grand National Lodge of France, was found among his possessions. On the title page of this book there were two handwritten dedications to the same Villot, one by the same author, and the other by the Grand Master of the same Lodge.

Faced with this document, the cardinal's "formal" assurance that he had never had "at any moment in his life the slightest relationship with Freemasonry" appears, frankly, not very credible. Moreover, Villot's theological and ideal positions were notoriously those of Cardinals Suenens, Poletti, Casaroli, Bishop Gottardi of Trento, etc ..., which appear together with him in the list of Introibo, in that of Panorama and in that of 'Political Observer.

Chapter V - What conclusions to draw if the list is true? Panorama's judgment. But there were other cardinals, to speak only of those, very suspicious even outside the list. The Lichtenau declaration. Cardinals great electors; 'Loggia of San Pietro'; Card. Liénart and Vatican II. Conciliar ecumenism in the judgment of a 33. The 'Great Initiate' Oswald Wirth and his religion.

The gravity of the implications deriving from the conclusion that the lists of POs and Panorama are, at least in a very significant part, truthful, cannot escape anyone. Indeed, the same Panorama, in the aforementioned issue of 10 August 1976, in commenting on his list, which he defined as unreliable and false, did not hesitate to state: «If the list were authentic, the Church would be in the hands of the Masons. Paul VI would even be surrounded by them. Indeed, they would have been the great electors for him and then to guide him in the most important decisions taken during these thirteen years of pontificate. And, even before that, it would have been they who pushed the Second Vatican Council on the path of reform ”.This deduction is evident only if we consider that the list contains the names of two Cardinals (Villot and Casaroli) who were none other than Secretaries of State of the Holy See, and that of another Cardinal (Poletti) who at the time was even Cardinal Vicar of Rome, that is, the representative of Paul VI in the government of the Diocese of Popes. Even more alarming is the fact that there are very strong elements to believe that the said lists were not exhaustive. For example, there are very serious indications of Masonic affiliation with Cardinal Franz Koenig (1905-2004), authoritative Archbishop of Vienna, who was, with Cardinal Suenens and others, one of the main promoters of the conciliar innovations. The Koenig, in fact, who was the great elector of John Paul II [45], is indicated by Aldo Mola,official historian of Italian Freemasonry, on the conditional but, as he himself says, on the basis of information from a "very high and well-informed Justinian dignitary", as a member of a Roman covered Loggia, of which Cesare Merzagora, Marcello Saccucci, Giuseppe Caradonna, Luigi Preti, Eugenio Cefis, Guido Carli, Enrico Cuccia, Michele Sindona, together with other famous and very famous personalities [46]. Even the Italian magazine Il Borghese, dated August 15, 1976, spoke of an alleged affiliation with Freemasonry. A further very serious proof against Koenig is given by the fact that he, together with the Grand Master Delegate of Austrian Freemasonry, Dr. Kurt Baresch, was the promoter of the commission that approved, in great secret, the "Declaration" of Lichtenau, dated 5 July 1970,written by Rolf Appel, member of the Senate of the United Grand Lodges of German Freemasonry.

This declaration, elaborated and signed by a mixed Masonic-Catholic commission, begins, incredibly, with an invocation to the Great Architect of the Universe, that is to the god of Freemasonry, and concludes by hoping for the revocation of all the innumerable condemnations issued by the Catholic Church against that sect over the centuries, and in particular of the canons of the Code of Canon Law of 1917 which impose excommunication on the Masons. This wish, it should be remembered, was later fulfilled by John Paul II with the promulgation of the new Codex Juris Canonici of 1983 [47]. Another name of Cardinal that does not appear in the Pecorelli list is that of the now deceased Antonio Samorè (1905-1983), defined by 30 Days, of 4 April 1993 (p. 51), "great pioneer", together with Koenig, " of the Catholic-Masonic dialogue ".This clergyman is indicated by the well-known piduist writer and journalist Pier Carpi - a great friend of Venerable Licio Gelli - in an interview with the European, on 12 December 1987, under the title "In the Loggia di San Pietro", as an active and influential member of the Loggia Ecclesia. This Lodge, according to Carpi, would operate in the Vatican under the direct control of the Duke of Kent, Grand Master of the Grand Mother Lodge of England. It is defined by Gelli, in his confidences to his friend the writer, as "very powerful" and would be composed "only (of) Cardinals and high prelates" (page 53). A similar piece of news reaches us from far away Mexico, reported in the progressive Mexican Catholic magazine Proceso, of 12 October 1992: the Commander of the Supreme Council of Mexican Freemasonry Carlos Vasquez Rangel,in commenting on the departure for Rome of the Grand Master of Freemasonry of that country, Enrique Olivares Santana, to assume the post of ambassador to the Holy See, he said: "He will certainly find there (in the Vatican) many reactionaries, but also many Brothers Freemasons: four Masonic Lodges function in the eight districts that make up the Vatican territory. Some of the top Vatican officials are Freemasons. Like us, they belong to the Scottish Rite, but independently (that is, they are directly connected to the Duke of Kent, as Carpi affirms). Even in countries where the Church cannot operate, they carry out their activity secretly, through the Lodges ”. Returning to the Cardinals in office at the time of the list, but not listed by Pecorelli,on which, nevertheless, there are well-founded suspicions of affiliation and sure proofs of Masonic sympathies, we quote Richard Cushing (1895-1970), Archbishop of Boston, who held two conferences in that city, respectively in 1965 and 1966, in free-masonry lodges [48 ], and he participated together with other prelates in "convivial meetings" [49] with exponents of Freemasonry; Cardinal Avelar Brandào Vilela (1912-1986), Archbishop of Sào Salvador de Bahia, who on December 26, 1975 even went so far as to celebrate a Christmas mass for the members of the Freemasonry Lodge of his city, and their families (see photo below) [50], and Cardinal Paulo Evaristo Arns, to whom in 1976 was conferred "a high Masonic honor" [51].respectively in 1965 and 1966, two conferences in free-masonry lodges [48], and he participated together with other prelates in "convivial meetings" [49] with exponents of Freemasonry; Cardinal Avelar Brandào Vilela (1912-1986), Archbishop of Sào Salvador de Bahia, who on December 26, 1975 even went so far as to celebrate a Christmas mass for the members of the Freemasonry Lodge of his city, and their families (see photo below) [50], and Cardinal Paulo Evaristo Arns, to whom in 1976 was conferred "a high Masonic honor" [51].respectively in 1965 and 1966, two conferences in free-masonry lodges [48], and he participated together with other prelates in "convivial meetings" [49] with exponents of Freemasonry; Cardinal Avelar Brandào Vilela (1912-1986), Archbishop of Sào Salvador de Bahia, who on December 26, 1975 even went so far as to celebrate a Christmas mass for the members of the Freemasonry Lodge of his city, and their families (see photo below) [50], and Cardinal Paulo Evaristo Arns, to whom in 1976 was conferred "a high Masonic honor" [51].who on December 26, 1975 even went so far as to celebrate a Christmas Mass for the members of the Freemasonry Lodge of his city, and their families (see photo below) [50], and Cardinal Paulo Evaristo Arns, to whom in 1976 was conferred "a 'high Masonic honor' [51].who on December 26, 1975 even went so far as to celebrate a Christmas Mass for the members of the Freemasonry Lodge of his city, and their families (see photo below) [50], and Cardinal Paulo Evaristo Arns, to whom in 1976 was conferred "a 'high Masonic honor' [51].

Again with reference to the American environment, the Renaissance traditionelle magazine, in its number 27 of July 1976 (page 200), reports that the Masonic press had announced with satisfaction that on March 28, 1976 Cardinal Terence James Cooke (1921-1983) he had attended a great banquet attended by three thousand Freemasons from the Grand Lodge of New York and on that occasion he had taken the floor to deplore "the past misunderstandings" and express the hope that they would not compromise the "rapprochement between Church and Freemasonry" [52]. A Cardinal whose name does not appear in the list of Pecorelli and in that of Panorama, but appears in the one, already cited, of the periodical Introibo, of July 1976, is Achille Liénart, bishop of Lille.The name of this prelate was already included in a list of high Masonic ecclesiastics published by the Italian weekly Il Borghese. Liénart would have been initiated into Freemasonry in Cambrai back in 1912, and in 1924 it would have even been elevated to the 30th Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. On his deathbed, according to the French magazine Tradition-Information (nº 7, p. 21), he would have exclaimed: "Humanly speaking, the Church is lost" [53]. And it must be recognized that, knowing what he seems to know about the Masonic infiltrations into the Bride of Christ, "humanly speaking" he had very good reasons for expressing himself in that way. Liénart is a particularly significant and important figure because, in addition to being the president of the Episcopal Conference of France [54], it was he who, on 14 October 1962,on the occasion of the first session of the Council's work, he initiated the rebellion against the programs of the Roman Curia, rejecting the names proposed by the latter for the composition of the various commissions. In this way, he laid the foundations for the questioning of all the preparatory works [55] for the introduction of those conciliar "novelties" which in the space of a few decades would have profoundly changed the liturgy and the very physiognomy and concept of the Church [56]. Liénart was then one of the leaders of that organized group of council fathers of Northern Europe, of openly liberal tendencies, who managed to take the helm of the Council, guiding it towards new and unexpected shores. Among the most prominent exponents of this group were Cardinal Koenig and Cardinal Suenens. The name of the latter is found both inlist of Panorama than in that of Pecorelli, and it is known that he was later the great elector of Paul VI [57], who immediately appointed him moderator of the Council alongside Cardinal Grégoire-Pierre Agagianian (1895-1971) [58 ]. Such being the conditions of the Church at the time of Paul VI and John XXIII, it cannot be surprising that Baron Yves Marsaudon, 33rd Degree of Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite Freemasonry, member of the Supreme Council of France of Freemasonry, in his book, entitled L'oecumenisme vu par un franc-maçon de Tradition ("Ecumenism seen by a traditional Mason"), and prefaced by Charles Riandey, Sovereign Grand Commander of that same Supreme Council, already in the early months of 1964,and therefore long before the conclusion of the Second Vatican Council and the drafting of its most revolutionary documents - the conciliar declarations Nostra Ætate and Dignitatis Humanæ - he wrote words that should make every Catholic reflect: "They (that is, Catholics) - explained Marsaudon - they must not forget that every road (that is, every religion) leads to God and keep to this courageous notion of freedom of thought , which - in this regard one can truly speak of a  revolution that started from our Masonic lodges - has spread magnificently under the Cathedral of San Pietro "[59]. And elsewhere, after having exalted "the  revolution  desired by John XXIII,  freedom of conscience " [60], he adds: " We think that a Mason worthy of the name can only congratulate himself without any restriction on the irreversible results of the Council " [61 ].

In the preface, moreover, he wrote: «This sense of universalism that is coming to light in Rome is truly our (of the Masons) raison d'etre. Consequently, we cannot ignore the Council and its consequences "[62]. In our opinion, a "Catholic worthy of the name" should be much less pleased. In fact, on p. 82 of the same book, we learn that Baron Marsaudon, referring to the evolutionary "theology" of Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955) [63], hopes that the concept of God who will ultimately prevail will be that of "a conjunction of science and of mysticism in an agreement that is now possible ». In this conjunction the Teilhardian Omega point (ie God), "will finally coincide with the mathematical infinity", in the context of a "metaphysical relativism",placed "at a level so far removed from dogmas that it no longer has anything absolute" [64]. But it should be even more alarming that Baron Marsaudon, as the publisher preface to his book, was a disciple of that "Great Initiate who was Oswald Wirth" [65], a well-known lover of magic and Satanist, as it appears, for example, from his book The Tarot, where one encounters phrases such as the following: "The devil is the great magical agent thanks to which miracles are performed" [66]: or: "Without diabolical ardor we remain cold and helpless:where phrases such as the following are encountered: "The devil is the great magical agent thanks to whom miracles are performed" [66]: or: "Without diabolical ardor we remain cold and helpless:where phrases such as the following are encountered: "The devil is the great magical agent thanks to whom miracles are performed" [66]: or: "Without diabolical ardor we remain cold and helpless: we must have the devil in our bodies [67] to influence others and to act in this way outside of ourselves "[68]; or again: "On earth no one can reign unless he makes an alliance with the Prince of this World" [69]. It should be noted that Wirth also wished, like his disciple Marsaudon, and like all Freemasonry, "the religious unity of humanity founded on the esotericism common to all religions" [70], that is, on the ecumenical fusion of all religions without distinction. This merger will take place thanks to "the Luciferian revolt against the reigning dogmas" [71] and the new syncretistic faith will be placed under the presidency of a "pope" of a new kind. In this way, what Wirth calls true "integral Catholicism" will finally triumph and that pope will be "the Supreme Pontiff of all believing humanity" [72].

Chapter VI - John XXIII, Paul VI and John Paul II and their attitude towards Freemasonry: from excommunication to the "Great Concordances"

The theme of our investigation stops here; to Mino Pecorelli's list considered the culmination of a whole series of lists published by other periodicals, and probably a faithful reproduction of the one that had already been circulating in the Vatican for at least two years. On the other hand, it is certainly not an everyday thing that a worthy "mole" manages to infiltrate the archives of the Great East and steal the most confidential documents. However, the limits of the list must be kept in mind, deriving from the fact that, if the 30 Days source indicated is correct, the names published by OP are only those - and perhaps not all - existing at the headquarters of the Grand'Oriente of Italy, with the exclusion therefore of those of other foreign or more reserved lodges. In chapter V,we have endeavored to demonstrate the reasons why there is reason to believe that the Pecorelli list is largely incomplete. Having outlined the limits of our work in this way, we nevertheless perfectly understand and share the question that will inevitably arise in the minds of our readers, namely: if this was the situation in 1978, indeed in 1976, what will it be today? Other names of prelates have been indicated by the press in recent years as suspected of belonging to Freemasonry, or at least of collusion with it. On the contrary, there is talk of another list of twenty-eight Masonic ecclesiastics, recently come into the possession of the judiciary during the investigations of Judge Cordova on criminal events in which Freemasonry is largely involved [73]. Without facing those new accusations,we limit ourselves to observing that among the names of the Pecorelli list there was also that of Cardinal Sebastiano Baggio [74]. Well, that cardinal was Prefect of the Congregation of Bishops, and therefore in charge of appointing new Bishops, and he was left as such, despite the accusation pending on his head, for many years to come. It is logical to infer that, if the accusations resulting from Panorama, Introibo, Lectures Françaises, and the press release from the Euroitalia agency are correct, he has flooded the dioceses of the whole world with members of the Lodges and that the situation, far from improving , has worsened by far. On the other hand, it is characteristic of occult and therefore uncontrolled powers to extend their roots more and more until they invade the attacked body in full, like a malignant tumor. Cardinal Siri,moreover, who, as we have seen, had dealt extensively with the question, in February 1988 he expressed to two 30 Days journalists the fear that the sect could manage to manipulate the Conclaves, and therefore to elect a "pope" of its own. [75] . However, it should be noted, even if this is a topic that is beyond our examination, which we therefore only marginally mention, that the attitude of John XXIII, Paul VI and John Paul II towards Freemasonry is unfortunately radically different from that of all those who they preceded them on the Throne of Peter. On 25 September 1964, an interview with the aforementioned Baron Yves Marsaudon, Minister of the Supreme Council of France of Scottish Rite Freemasonry, appeared in the French newspaper Juvénal,to Jean André Faucher that the Pauline Father Rosario Esposito reproduces in his book entitled The Great Concordances between the Church and Freemasonry  [76]. Here we reproduce the salient parts:
- Jean André Faucher: «Did you know Pope John well»?
- Yves Marsaudon: «I was very attached to Mons. Roncalli, Apostolic Nuncio in Paris. He received me several times at the Nunciature, and on several occasions he came to my home in Bellevue in the Seine-et-Oise. When I was appointed minister of the Order of Malta, I expressed my perplexities to the Nuncio because of my Masonic affiliation. Mons. Roncalli has formally confirmed to me that he will remain in Freemasonry ».
- Jean André Faucher: «Did you see him again after his elevation to the tiara»?
- Yves Marsaudon: "Yes, he received me in Castel Gandolfo in my capacity as Minister Emeritus of the Order of Malta and gave me his blessing renewing his encouragement for a work of rapprochement between the Churches, as well as between the Church and the Freemasonry of Tradition ».

Given these premises, it is not surprising that Marsaudon himself introduced the following dedication to the aforementioned book L'oecumenisme vu par un franc-maçon de Tradition: "In memory of Angelo Roncalli / Priest / Archbishop of Mesembria / Apostolic Nuncio in Paris / Cardinal of the Roman Church / Patriarch of Venice / Pope under the name of John XXIII / who has deigned to grant us / His Blessing / His Understanding / and His Protection / To the Father of the Poor / To the Pope of Peace / To the Father of all the Christians / To the Friend of All Men / to His Continuing Augustus / His Holiness the Pope / Paul VI ». More recently, the Grand Master of Italian Freemasonry, Virgilio Gaito, on two occasions expressed himself on the relationship between Freemasonry and John XXIII: the first time in an interview with Fabio Andriola which appeared in L 'Italia Settimanale, of January 26, 1994, and the second in an interview with Giovanni Cubeddu that appeared in 30 Days, of February 1994. We report in order the texts of the two interviews in the part that matters here:

- Weekly Italy: «It is said that John XXIII was initiated into Freemasonry when he was nuncio to Paris. I am reporting what I have been told. Moreover, in his messages I have grasped many aspects that are really Masonic ».
- 30 Days: «Pope John XXIII, moreover, seems to have been initiated in Paris and has participated in the work of the workshops in Istanbul. When I then listened to the ecclesiastical hierarchies speaking in the homilies of man as the center of the Universe, I was moved to tears ».
Faced with such authoritative and public declarations, we are seriously perplexed by the fact that, at least as far as we know, the Vatican has not deemed it necessary to intervene with vigorous and documented denials [77]. As for Paul VI, his position towards Freemasonry was, if possible, even more favorable than that of his predecessor. The authoritative Pauline Father Rosario Esposito, professor in various Pontifical Universities, a great proponent of the Church-Freemasonry agreement, in fact reports that he "followed and encouraged" [78] the public meetings which, in a spirit of ecumenical brotherhood, took place in the period 1969-1977, between exponents of the Church and very high dignitaries of the free-masonry sect. Esposito speaks of these meetings with knowledge of the facts because he was the protagonist with Don Miano,secretary of the Secretariat for non-believers, with Bishop Alberto Ablondi (1924-2010), president of the Episcopal Commission for Ecumenism, (whose name, coincidentally, opens the Pecorelli and Panorama lists) and with the authoritative Father Caprile of Civiltà Cattolica. On the Masonic side, the Grand Master Giordano Gamberini († 2003) was almost always present, then sensationally involved in the P2 affair, flanked from time to time by other exponents of the Grand Orient of Italy and, in one case, by a representative of the Grand National Lodge of France [79].On the Masonic side, the Grand Master Giordano Gamberini († 2003) was almost always present, then sensationally involved in the P2 affair, flanked from time to time by other exponents of the Grand Orient of Italy and, in one case, by a representative of the Grand National Lodge of France [79].On the Masonic side, the Grand Master Giordano Gamberini († 2003) was almost always present, then sensationally involved in the P2 affair, flanked from time to time by other exponents of the Grand Orient of Italy and, in one case, by a representative of the Grand National Lodge of France [79].

It should be noted that Esposito, in an interview with the Masonic periodical Corriere Partenopeo, professed himself "a Mason to the depths of his spirit", adding: "So in solidarity with them, I share everything: the Constitutions, the Landmarks, the Ancient Duties: they are totally with them "[80]. And always the same Father Esposito to write in The Masonic Magazine of July 1978: «The Dominican Fr. Felix Morlion, well known as founder of the international University" Pro Deo "[...] confided to me one day that he had spoken with the then Mons. GB Montini of the disastrous relations existing between the Church and Freemasonry. Montini told him: "Not a generation will pass and peace will be made between the two companies" »[81].The Pauline religious comments by observing that more than a "prediction" it would be appropriate to speak of a "decision", which the Lombard Monsignor, who became Paul VI, then implemented in the predicted temporal terms [82]. Moreover, speaking of the relations between Montini and Freemasonry, it cannot be forgotten that not only his great elector was Cardinal Suenens, whose name appears on the list of OP and Panorama, but also that his appointment was preceded, propitiated and probably decided in a kind of "pre-conclave" held in the Grottaferrata villa of Umberto Ortolani (1913-2002), a famous member of P2 and indicated by some as the real brain of the Masonic Lodge of Licio Gelli [83]. The favorable attitude of Paul VI towards Freemasonry was also manifested in the trust accorded to the notorious financier, also piduist,Michele Sindona, later sentenced to life imprisonment as the instigator of the Ambrosoli murder and his friend since he was a Cardinal in Milan [84]. In fact, through Cardinal Guerri, he gave him the task of liquidating a large part of the real estate assets of the Holy See [85]. Still on the subject of Montini, we cannot fail to mention another, much more unique and significant act. We intend to refer to the official reception, in public audience, of a representation of high Jewish Freemasonry, called B'nai B'rith, which took place on June 3, 1971, and was made known to the whole world through the pages of the Osservatore Romano [ 86]. Not for nothing, on the death of Montini the Masonic Magazine, in July 1978, came out with an article in theformer Grand Master of Italian Freemasonry Giordano Gamberini with a strongly apologetic content, in which one reads among other things: «For us it is the death of those who dropped the sentence of Clement XII and his successors. That is, it is the first time that the leader of the greatest Western religion dies, not in a state of hostility with the Masons. And for the first time in history, Freemasons can pay homage to the mound of a Pope without ambiguity or contradiction "[87]. Finally, coming to John Paul II, his manifestations of benevolence and appreciation towards the free-masonry sect were unfortunately also very explicit. Indeed, he has received delegations from the B'nai B'rith Lodges three times: the first on March 22, 1984, the second on April 19, 1985 and the third on December 6, 1990.During the first audience he addressed words of warm welcome to the delegates, calling them «dear friends» and continuing: «I am very happy to welcome you to the Vatican. You are a group of national and international leaders of the well-known Jewish Association whose headquarters are in the United States, but whose activity extends to numerous countries, including Rome, and is precisely the League of B'nai B'rith against Defamation [...]. The opening verse of Psalm 113 refers to this: "How beautiful and sweet it is to live together as brothers" »[88]. The second audience was much more significant than the previous one because it took place on the occasion of the twentieth anniversary celebrations of one of the most important documents of the Second Vatican Council, the Declaration Nostra Ætate,on whose origin and content the Freemasonry of B'nai B'rith had influenced in a decisive way, through negotiations with Cardinal Augustin Bea (1881-1968), as was made known in a sensational article which appeared on January 25, 1966 in the American magazine Look [89].

Of those Roman commemorative celebrations the B'nai B'rith was one of the promoters together with the Theological Faculty of the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas and other Catholic organizations [90]. In this way that Freemasonry affixed, even in front of the whole world, its signature under the conciliar document and the reception on that occasion by John Paul II, validated and confirmed that claimed paternity. Finally, the 1990 hearing was also related, not surprisingly, to an anniversary, the 25th, of Nostra Ætate. This participation of the B'nai B'rith in the Second Vatican Council as a determining and inspiring force of at least one of the fundamental documents of that assembly cannot fail to be disconcerting.All the more so when we consider that this organization has been at the center of bitter controversy for years due to contacts, through its leading exponents, with drug trafficking and the American underworld [91], as well as for the favor and support from it. granted to Playboy, the most famous pornographic magazine in the world, also engaged in the field of spreading the "drug culture" [92]. Finally, the B'nai B'rith has been noted for the relentless struggle that it is conducting in the US in order to erase all traces of Christianity from the institutions of that country [93].also engaged in the field of spreading the "drug culture" [92]. Finally, the B'nai B'rith has been noted for the relentless struggle that it is conducting in the US in order to erase all traces of Christianity from the institutions of that country [93].also engaged in the field of spreading the "drug culture" [92]. Finally, the B'nai B'rith has been noted for the relentless struggle that it is conducting in the US in order to erase all traces of Christianity from the institutions of that country [93].

Having said this, it cannot reasonably be considered accidental that John Paul II chose the Dominican Georges Cottier as his "Theologian of the Palace", author of an essay entitled Regards catholiques sur la Franc-Maçonnerie ("A Catholic look at Freemasonry"), appeared in issues 4 and 5 of 1987 of the magazine Nova et Vetera, and also in issues 2 and 3 of the same year of the magazine of the Secretariat for non-believers Athéisme et Dialogue. In that writing, Cottier hopes for "dialogue and collaboration" between the Church and Freemasonry not only in the field of the great tasks that are imposed on humanity as a whole such as "the survival of the species" and that of "culture", the "problems of peace and war ", and so on, but also" on ethical values ​​"and" on a strictly doctrinal level "in which, evidently,he believes that the Church has something to learn from Freemasonry which it must join in the common "search for truth". The statement, it will be admitted, is rather strange by an exponent of an institution that claims to be of divine origin, the ark of revealed truth and salvation, and who now, instead, recognizes that he has to go to school from another institution, or at least of duty, with it, to search for an evidently still unknown truth. All the more strange when we consider that, it should be repeated, the new companion on the road has been anathematized by the ecclesiastical hierarchy about 590 times in the past over 245 years [94].Yet such is the trust that John Paul II gives to Cottier that he has appointed him president of the Theological Commission [95] that should prepare that Jubilee of the Third Millennium which seems to constitute the maximum objective of his long government. Moreover, as already mentioned, Karol Wojtyla is the one who, accepting the vows of world Freemasonry, promulgated in 1983 the new Code of Canon Law which, after two and a half centuries, cancels the excommunication against the adherents of Freemasonry. In this context, it is not surprising that in the last Consistory he elevated to cardinalate two characters who appear in the Pecorelli list, namely Fiorenzo Angelini, indicated as enrolled in the sect since 14 October 1957 [96], and Virgilio Noè, who is given as affiliate on April 3, 1961 [97]. However,we have already seen that the "great elector" of John Paul II was that Cardinal Koenig whose very close ties with Freemasonry have been illustrated by us and that the historian of the sect, Aldo Mola, indicates as a very probable adept of a very reserved and very powerful Roman lodge. Nor can we overlook the fact that John Paul II is a member of the Rotary Club, an association that is not secret, but of indisputable Masonic imprint, founded on February 23, 1905 by the Freemason lawyer Paul Harris (1868-1947) of Chicago and others. three colleagues, Masons like him [98].indicates as a very probable adept of a very reserved and very powerful Roman Loggia. Nor can we overlook the fact that John Paul II is a member of the Rotary Club, an association that is not secret, but of indisputable Masonic imprint, founded on February 23, 1905 by the Freemason lawyer Paul Harris (1868-1947) of Chicago and others. three colleagues, Masons like him [98].indicates as a very probable adept of a very reserved and very powerful Roman Loggia. Nor can we overlook the fact that John Paul II is a member of the Rotary Club, an association that is not secret, but of indisputable Masonic imprint, founded on February 23, 1905 by the Freemason lawyer Paul Harris (1868-1947) of Chicago and others. three colleagues, Masons like him [98].

The news appeared in the official Italian Rotary magazine of September 9, 1986, in a letter entitled "A clarification on the article:" Does Freemasonry go to Canossa? "", Then reproduced in the magazine of Italian Freemasonry Hiram of November-December of the same year, signed by Lamberto Mosci, governor of the 203rd Rotary district. In it, the Author, taking the cue from a meeting of the Turin Rotary in which the then Grand Master of Italian Freemasonry, Armando Corona (1921-2009), intervened, after having exalted the "spiritual values ​​common to Freemasonry and Rotary Clubs" , points out that by now the excommunication against the former has fallen and together with it also the canonical prohibitions against the latter. In support of his assumption he states,nor do we know that this authoritative and public statement has ever been disproved, that "Pope John Paul II himself is a Paul Harris Fellow," that is, a Rotarian. Not for nothing, in fact, Wojtyla has repeatedly received Rotary delegations in the Vatican praising the inspiring principles of that association [99]. The fact is all the more disconcerting as the Rotary Foundation supports the dissemination of the News of World Good Will, a neo-pagan and neognostic organ of the Lucis Trust, formerly Lucifer Trust [100]. Also in the light of these facts, an assertion by the aforementioned Father Rosario Esposito must be analyzed who, in his book entitled The great concordances between the Church and Freemasonry, speaks not only, as Mons. Montini already did in his time, of a "peace "Between the two institutions,but even of an identity [101] of ideas and programs between the post-conciliar ecclesiastical hierarchy and the free-masonry sect. Why on earth that authoritative and well-known religious was not only not excommunicated for these theses of his, but not even, at least as far as we know, recalled or solemnly denied? He is so sure of what he maintains that, in reiterating his commitment to a close collaboration between the Church and Freemasonry, and his panegyrics towards the latter, on No. 2 of Vita Pastorale of 1993, responding to a priest who reproached him his acclaimed philo-Freemasonism could easily write: «I have made it clear several times that I intend to carry on this dialogue (that is, that between the Church and Freemasonry) in the spirit of the Church [...]. Whenever the opportunity arises,I have said that I am and intend to remain a humble and devoted son of the Holy Church, unconditionally adhering to its doctrine on this subject without exceptions and restrictions. I repeat it even now. it is precisely in this spirit that following the teaching of the Supreme Pontiffs (evidently of the "conciliar" ones, certainly not of the previous ones; NdA), of the Council and of many traveling companions I continue the dialogue with Freemasonry "'of the Council and many traveling companions I continue the dialogue with Freemasonry "'of the Council and many traveling companions I continue the dialogue with Freemasonry "'

[1] This text was taken from this Catholic site and the original is found here
[2] La Civiltà Cattolica Editions, 1958, p. 18.
[3] The bold is by the author.
[4] Athesia Ed., 1982.
[5] See H. Reinalter, Geheimbunde in Tyrol, pp. 230-231
[6]  Ibid.,  P. 230.
[7] Ed. Bastogi, Foggia 1987.
[8] See Vademecum of the Apprentice Freemason, pages 45 and 46. The bold is ours.
[9] See Todisco, "The Four Freemasonry", in Il Mondo, February 18, 1950.
[10] The Venerable, Gribaudo and Zarotti Ed., 1993, p. 361.
[11] Bompiani, 1992.
[12] There are indeed very abundant lists of Masonic priests and prelates, supplied to a well-known anti-Mason priest by the former Grand Master of Freemasonry G. Gamberini, but these lists have little interest referring to almost all characters of the late eighteenth century early nineteenth century, for the most forgotten.
[13] See 30 Days, November 11, 1992, p. 30 and ss.
[14]  Ibid.,  P. 32. 30 Days in the Church and in the World is an authoritative and qualified Catholic magazine with editions, as well as in Italian, German, English, French, Spanish and Portuguese and distribution in Europe and the two Americas. Recently determining a new address, the former Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti has become its director.
[15]  Ibid.,  Pp. 34 and 35.
[16] See also Il Sabato, of 10 August 1991, p. 21 and ss.
[17] The bold is ours.
[18] See 30 Days, 9 September 1993, pp. 44-45.
[19] See 30 Days, 11 November 1992, p. 31 at the bottom and 32.
[20] See 30 Days, 6 June 1992, pp. 49 and 51.
[21] See N. Tosches, The Sindona Mystery, Sugar Ed., 1986, p. 138.
[22]  Ibid.,  P. 282.
[23] Serial number 14/005, name of Loggia obtained, more Masonic, from the initial letters of the surname and name: ANFI.
[24] Cf. R. Valnève, Teilhard the apostate, 1971, p. 52.
[25] Cf. Corriere della Sera, of 15 January 1994, under the title "And so Di Pietro ate another standard bearer".
[26] Cf. Corriere della Sera, 10 January 1994, p. 5, under the title "Thus was the CCT operation blessed".
[27] Serial number 321/02, name of Loggia «Dondebo» (DONato DE BOnis).
[28] See La Stampa, of 10 January 1994, under the title "Di Pietro investigates the monsignor of the IOR".
[29] See PR Esposito, The Great Concordances between the Church and Freemasonry, p. 210.
[30]  Ibid.,  Pp. 210 and 211.
[31] Ed. Culture of Peace, San Domenico di Fiesole, 1990.
[32] See PE Balducci, The Planetary Man, p. 178.
[33]  Ibid.,  P. 182.
[34] That is, Christianity. Note that "construction" which postulates the idea of ​​religion as the creation of man.
[35] See PE Balducci, op. cit., p. 173.
[36]  Ibid.,  P. 167.
[37] Cf. Beyond good and evil, aphorism nº 129.
[38] See Y. Moncomble, Les professionels de l'antiracisme ("The professionals of anti-racism"), Yann Moncomble, Paris 1987, p. 277.
[39] In his History of Freemasonry in Italy from its origins to the French Revolution (Nuova Italia Ed., 1975, p. 156), Carlo Francovich, who belongs to the small group of official Freemasonry historians, reports that already in a police report Habsburg of August 3, 1756, which summarized a lost Masonic program entitled Italian Education, it was said clearly that the goal pursued by Freemasonry ever since was to "extinguish all principalities and reduce the world to a Universal Republic".
[40] Marcinkus was a bishop, but not a cardinal and Father Caprile, a Jesuit, was a highly influential editor, but not director of Civiltà Cattolica.
[41] See PR Esposito, op. cit., p. 27.
[42] Ed. Paoline, 1979.
[43] See PR Esposito, op. cit., p. 178.
[44] See G. Virebeau, Prelats et Francs-Maçons, Publications Henry Coston, Paris 1978, pp. 13-14.   Bold is not ours.
[45] Cf. 30 Days in the Church and in the World, 12 December 1993, p. 53; and of 10 December 1992, p. 10.
[46] See A. Mola, History of Italian Freemasonry from its origins to the present day, Bompiani Ed., 1992, p. 744.
[47] On the part that Koenig had in the Lichtenau declaration, then proposed, against the agreements, by the high Masonic dignitary Raolf Appel and by the theologian Herbert Vorgrimler in 1975, see M. Adler, Die Freimaurer und der Vatikan, Claus P. Clausen Verlag, Lippstadt, 1985, pp. 123 and ss. The text of the declaration can also be found in JA Ferrer, G. Caprile, Freemasonry and the Catholic Church, Pious Society of Saint Paul 1979, pp. 191-194.
[48] ​​The quotation is taken from the fortnightly Yes yes no no, of 30 November 1992, p. 7.
[49] See J. Ferrér-Benimeli, G. Caprile, Freemasonry and the Catholic Church, p. 116.
[50] See PR Esposito, op. cit., p., p. 36.
[51] See J. Ferrér-Benimeli, G. Caprile, op. cit., p. 148.
[52] See G. Virebeau, op. cit., p. 127.
[53] See Introibo, July 1976, p. 2; G. Virebeau, op. cit., p. 12.
[54] See R. Wiltgen, Le Rhin se jette dans le Tibre ("The Rhine flows into the Tiber"), Éditions du Cèdre, 1973, p. 16.
[55] See in this regard P. Hebblethwaite, John XXIII, the Pope of the Council, Rusconi Ed., 1989, p. 618.
[56] Today the Church is no longer presented as the ark of salvation among the errors of the world and the only true faith among the many false ones, but as a way of transcendence, a little better than many.
[57] Cf. 30 Days, of 7 July 1992, p. 45.
[58] Ibid.
[59] See Y. Marsaudon, L'oecuménisme vu par un franc-maçon de Tradition, éditions Vitiano, Paris, 1st quarter 1964, p. 121.
[60] Bold is textual.
[61] See Y. Marsaudon, op. cit., p. 120.
[62]  Ibid.,  P. 25.
[63] Theology which, especially through Father De Lubac, later appointed Cardinal by John Paul II for his doctrinal and conciliar "merits", had great influence on Vatican II.
[64] See Y. Marsaudon, op. cit., p. 82.
[65]  Ibid.,  P. 20.
[66] See O. Wirth, The Tarots, Ed. Mediterranee, Rome 1990, p. 209.
[67] Bold is textual.
[68] Cf. O. Wirth, op. cit., p. 212.
[69]  Ibid.,  P. 213.
[70]  Ibid.,  P. 250.
[71]  Ibid.,  P. 229.
[72]  Ibid.,  Chap. V, «The Pope», p. 150.
[73] See 30 Days, of 9 September 1993. p. 29, under the title "Freemasonry, Cordoba knocks on the Vatican".
[74] Name of Loggia SEBA, registration number 85/2640, date of registration 14 August 1957.
[75] Cf. Il Sabato, of 30 March 1981, in the context of the article "L'Ombra della Loggia" in a star on p. 25 entitled "There are and how ... A dialogue with Siri".
[76] Nardini Ed, 1987, p. 391.
[77] Among the other documents on John XXIII and his relations with Freemasonry we recall briefly the disconcerting testimony of Franco Bellegrandi, formerly the Sword and Cape of His Holiness, in charge of Modern History at the University of Innsbruck, journalist and writer, in his book Nichitaroncalli, International EILES Ed., Rome, pp. 59-62 and 175-179.
[78] See PR Esposito, op. cit., p. 420.
[79] See J. Ferrér-Benimeli, G. Caprile, op. cit., pp. 125-127.
[80] See Corriere Partenopeo, year XIII, nº 5, July 1991.
[81] See J. Ferrér-Benimeli, G. Caprile, op. cit., p. 91.
[82] Ibid.
[83] Cf. 30 Days, of 3 September 1993, the article by Andrea Tornielli entitled "The friends of His Eminence", p. 37; subtitle «Conclave in Villa». Speaking of that meeting in his book To every death of the Pope, the Hon. Giulio Andreotti reports that one of the speakers told him "between the serious and the jokingly that there was already a canonical majority". On this meeting he also confronts The Unelected Pope, by the famous vaticanist Benny Lai, Laterza Ed. 1993, p. 202.
[84] Cf. N. Tosches, op. cit., pp. 62-63, 71-73.
[85]  Ibid.,  Pp. 138-141.
[86] See D. Leroux, Do you love me ?, Ed. Gotica, Ferrara 1989, p. 93.
[87] See J. Ferrér-Benimeli, G. Caprile, op. cit., p. 91 .. Also on the occasion of the death of John XXIII, Gamberini had issued another highly significant eulogy to the Pantheon agency: "Disappears a man who promised to fill [...] the abyss dug by the Church before him between itself and modern society. And his death is a great evil for everyone ». Also as regards the disconcerting personality of Paul VI, we refer the reader to the lively, very interesting, memories of Franco Bellegrandi contained in his aforementioned book Nichitaroncalli.
[88] Cf. Documentation Catholique, nº 1874, p. 509; cit. in D. Leroux, op. cit., p. 95.
[89] See in this regard the writing of Léon de Poncins in the book  Infiltrations ennemies dans l'église, Documents et temoignages , Ed. Henry Coston, Paris 1970, p. 79 and ss.
[90] See the weekly edition of the Osservatore Romano, April 25, 1985, p. 12. The photograph of the reception was published in the weekly edition of L'Osservatore Romano, of 10 May 1985, on p. 7.
[91] See in this regard the notebook of the Executive Intelligence Review entitled The Ugly Truth about ADL ("The ugly truth about ADL"), Washington 1992, as well as the volume of the same publisher Dope Inc, especially on pages. 502 et seq., 603 et seq. The ADL is the operational arm of the B'nai B'rith.
[92] See Y. Moncomble, Le pouvoir de la drogue dans la politique mondo ("The power of drugs and world politics"), Paris 1990, p. 95 et seq., And in particular p. 99.
[93] Cf. E. Ratier, Mystères et secrets du B'nai B'rith («Mysteries and secrets of the B'nai B'rith»), Facta Ed., Paris 1993, p. 105 and ss.
[94] There are many sentences counted by Father Esposito, who reports the data of his research on Jesus, of October 1988.
[95] See 30 Days, April 4, 1995, p. 33.
[96] Initials of the ANFI Lodge, serial number 14/005.
[97] Loggia VINO initials, serial number 43652/21.
[98] See PR Esposito, op. cit., p. 335. In that volume, in chapter IX, Father Esposito underlines the Masonic matrix and inspiration of Rotary.
[99]  Ibid.,  Pp. 348 and 349.
[100] See the 1995 supplement to No. 1 of the aforementioned Newsletter of World Good Will.
[101] See PR Esposito, op. cit., p. 197.


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